Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japan, Tressel, Freedom and Lent

My prayers go out to those in Japan and Southeast Asia, what a tremendous tragedy.  It is amazing that with such a devastatingly powerful earthquake, there was not more damage and more people killed.  While you will hear from those with an agenda, that the problem's the Nuclear power stations are having right now prove that nuclear power is not a safe option.  Keep in mind that mother nature has thrown it's worst at Japan and its nuclear program, and while there has been some concerns, overall the worst seems to have been averted.   To ad perspective this was one of the top 5 most powerful earthquakes, and yet this natural disaster was not a devastating as it could have been.

Jim Tressel, I have respect for you and you seem to be a good man, so I am going to chalk this up to making a mistake, learn from it and continue to lead these young men, but understand there is a shorter leash now. 

Freedom what does it mean?  I think that with the happenings in Wisconsin and the passage of SB-5 here in Ohio, we are beginning to see what happened when smaller government meets tea party member's.  We have to understand that freedom and smaller government will mean that our lives will necessary have to change.  We can not restore the Constitution with out having to completely restructure our own lives and way of life.  IF YOU BELIEVE THAT WE NEED TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, you must be willing to live by the principle's of the Constitution, and base your actions on Principle's and Value's.

As a Catholic, this week is the beginning of lent, I will spend the next 40 days reminding myself that through sacrifice and commitment and Grace, I will be a better person and more worthy of the sacrifice made for me.

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